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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:MCOLN2
Human P-Site:S120
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:MCOLN2Q8IZK6S120DEDDYSCSVYTQEDA100 / 9 AA66
Phosphosite 1:MCOLN2Q8IZK6S118GTDEDDYSCSVYTQE100 / 7 AA66
Phosphosite 2:MCOLN2Q8IZK6Y122DDYSCSVYTQEDAYE100 / 7 AA66
Phosphosite 3:MCOLN2Q8IZK6Y117SGTDEDDYSCSVYTQ100 / 6 AA66
Phosphosite 4:LAS1LQ9Y4W2S505EKLLRICSIYTQSGE83 / 6 AA83
Phosphosite 5:LAS1LQ9Y4W2Y507LLRICSIYTQSGENS83 / 6 AA83
Phosphosite 6:LAS1LQ9Y4W2T508LRICSIYTQSGENSL83 / 6 AA83
Phosphosite 7:FN1P02751S1246PGLEYNVSVYTVKDD62 / 8 AA263
Phosphosite 8:IGFBP-5P24593Y70EGQSCGVYTERCAQG71 / 7 AA31
Phosphosite 9:ZNF441Q8N8Z8Y199KAFSCSCYTQLYERT85 / 7 AA72
Phosphosite 10:KIF26BQ2KJY2T1093SQRCKVYTQKGVLPS83 / 6 AA224
Phosphosite 11:LSAMPQ13449S112DEGSYTCSVQTQHEP75 / 8 AA37
Phosphosite 12:PLEKHM3Q6ZWE6S675TSHVYSCSLCSQKGF62 / 8 AA87
Phosphosite 13:MYO10Q9HD67Y1121GSQWSPDYRCSVGTY83 / 6 AA237
Phosphosite 14:MYO10Q9HD67S1124WSPDYRCSVGTYNSS83 / 6 AA237
Phosphosite 15:RYR1P21817Y3219EYNACSVYTTKSPRE83 / 6 AA565
Phosphosite 16:Ig lambda chain V-II region VILP01711S91DEADYYCSSYTSSNS75 / 8 AA11
Phosphosite 17:RYR1P21817S3217LNEYNACSVYTTKSP83 / 6 AA565
Phosphosite 18:DMBT1Q9UGM3S2007TRPNTDYSCGGFLSQ57 / 7 AA261
Phosphosite 19:R3HDMLQ9H3Y0Y169DGPTCSHYTQMVWAS71 / 7 AA29
Phosphosite 20:USP9XQ93008Y531AHIKILDYSCSQDRD100 / 5 AA290