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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:TUBB2B
Human P-Site:S126
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00031370
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:TUBB2BQ9BVA1S126VVRKESESCDCLQGF100 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 1:TUBB2AQ13885S126VVRKESESCDCLQGF100 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 2:TUBB4QQ99867S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA48
Phosphosite 3:RP11-631M21.2 Q3ZCM7S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 4:TUBB2CP68371S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 5:TUBBP07437S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 6:TUBB4P04350S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 7:Tubulin beta-8 chain BA6NNZ2S126VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 8:Putative tubulin beta chain-like protein ENSP00000290377A6NKZ8S54VVRKEAESCDCLQGF88 / 9 AA42
Phosphosite 9:TUBB1Q9H4B7S126VVRHESESCDCLQGF100 / 8 AA50
Phosphosite 10:TUBB2BQ9BVA1S124LDVVRKESESCDCLQ100 / 7 AA50
Phosphosite 11:TUBB2AQ13885S124LDVVRKESESCDCLQ100 / 7 AA50
Phosphosite 12:LPPR4Q7Z2D5S672DLNRDSESCESLKDS55 / 9 AA88
Phosphosite 13:SLC39A8Q9C0K1S288DGKKEPSSCTCLKGP66 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 14:TUBB1Q9H4B7S124LEVVRHESESCDCLQ100 / 6 AA50
Phosphosite 15:TEX15Q9BXT5S288QEYKESESHNSFGKS55 / 9 AA315
Phosphosite 16:SUSD4Q5VX71T429TGPGESETCDSVSGS62 / 8 AA54
Phosphosite 17:GPRASP1Q5JY77S1141STEPESSSCNCIQCE62 / 8 AA157
Phosphosite 18:COILP38432S250SPSSSSESESCDESI100 / 6 AA63
Phosphosite 19:SUPT6HQ7KZ85Y338SLQESCDYLDRGQPA83 / 6 AA199
Phosphosite 20:SUPT6HQ7KZ85S335PTISLQESCDYLDRG83 / 6 AA199