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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:TMEPAI
Human P-Site:S151
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00056521
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:TMEPAIQ969W9S151IDLPPTISLSDGEEP100 / 9 AA32
Phosphosite 1:C18orf1O15165S173IDLPPTISLSDGEEP100 / 9 AA34
Phosphosite 2:TMEPAIQ969W9S153LPPTISLSDGEEPPP100 / 7 AA32
Phosphosite 3:C18orf1O15165S175LPPTISLSDGEEPPP100 / 7 AA34
Phosphosite 4:TMEPAIQ969W9T149HEIDLPPTISLSDGE100 / 7 AA32
Phosphosite 5:C18orf1O15165T171HEIDLPPTISLSDGE100 / 7 AA34
Phosphosite 6:CLCA4Q14CN2S531NSLPPSISLWDPSGT75 / 8 AA101
Phosphosite 7:Ig kappa chain V-III region VHP04434S32TQSPPTLSLSPGERV77 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 8:DHX30Q7L2E3S1119DGRRATISLSDSDLL66 / 9 AA134
Phosphosite 9:DACT1Q9NYF0S202SPLEATLSLSDGCPK75 / 8 AA90
Phosphosite 10:MDGA1Q8NFP4S443ETVPPTISVPKGRAV66 / 9 AA106
Phosphosite 11:SHANK1Q9Y566S783RLPPPTISLRSKSMT100 / 6 AA225
Phosphosite 12:FREM1Q5H8C1S1254DDFTIQLSDGKHKIL85 / 7 AA244
Phosphosite 13:SHANK1Q9Y566T781AKRLPPPTISLRSKS85 / 7 AA225
Phosphosite 14:DACT1Q9NYF0S204LEATLSLSDGCPKSA85 / 7 AA90
Phosphosite 15:JMYQ8N9B5S785SELPPTISLPLLNNN100 / 6 AA111
Phosphosite 16:Ig kappa chain V-III region VHP04434T30VMTQSPPTLSLSPGE85 / 7 AA13
Phosphosite 17:DHX30Q7L2E3S1121RRATISLSDSDLLRL85 / 7 AA134
Phosphosite 18:KIRREL3Q8IZU9T651KEHHSTPTISLSSCQ100 / 6 AA85
Phosphosite 19:NR6A1Q15406S49ELDPGTISVSDDRAE75 / 8 AA54
Phosphosite 20:RNF175Q8N4F7S221VSRLPTRSLSDNICA75 / 8 AA38