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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:PCDH15
Human P-Site:S1562
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:PCDH15Q96QU1S1562KIQAKSKSLRGPREK100 / 9 AA216
Phosphosite 1:PCDH15Q96QU1S1560SPKIQAKSKSLRGPR100 / 7 AA216
Phosphosite 2:FRMPD3Q5JV73S1242EGPAKPKSSRGPFRL77 / 9 AA199
Phosphosite 3:SMG1Q96Q15S2360VCFEKGKSLRVPEKV66 / 9 AA410
Phosphosite 4:DOCK7Q96N67S2081DALRKNKSLIGPDQK75 / 8 AA243
Phosphosite 5:WARS2Q9UGM6S219TSMKKVKSLRDPSAK75 / 8 AA40
Phosphosite 6:ALKBH8Q96BT7Y517YNKQKSKYLRGNRNS85 / 7 AA75
Phosphosite 7:FYCO1Q9BQS8S1027NAGEECKSLRGQLEE55 / 9 AA167
Phosphosite 8:ZCCHC12Q6PEW1T89KLKRLMKTLRGPARE83 / 6 AA45
Phosphosite 9:Uncharacterized protein ENSP00000372125A6NCN8S8MASNRQRSLRGPSHP62 / 8 AA35
Phosphosite 10:GBP4Q96PP9T295FTHAKTKTLREGIIV71 / 7 AA73
Phosphosite 11:GBP7Q8N8V2T280FTHAKTKTLREGILV71 / 7 AA73
Phosphosite 12:CECR2Q9BXF3S698QPPVGINSLRGPRLG83 / 6 AA164
Phosphosite 13:Putative insulin-like growth factor 2-associated proteinP09565T51HIGLRSKTLRGTPNY71 / 7 AA12
Phosphosite 14:COL20A1Q9P218S545DYEVSVQSLRGPEGS83 / 6 AA136
Phosphosite 15:EURLQ9NYK6S54SDLLHTKSLRGHKDC71 / 7 AA34
Phosphosite 16:KIF13BQ9NQT8S977IIQAKTRSLRDRWSE55 / 9 AA203
Phosphosite 17:LPIN3Q9BQK8S418SEPSSQKSLRDPNPE83 / 6 AA94
Phosphosite 18:SLC6A5Q9Y345S124ALHCKIPSLRGPEGD75 / 8 AA87
Phosphosite 19:ZNF540Q8NDQ6S108KESIIEKSKTLRLKG71 / 7 AA77
Phosphosite 20:PNMA2Q9UL42S209KKRWLAESLRGPALD71 / 7 AA42