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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:KIAA0907
Human P-Site:S215
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00854688
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:KIAA0907Q7Z7F0S215PAPIAQLSPAVSQKP100 / 9 AA65
Phosphosite 1:IGF2BP2Q9Y6M1S11KLYIGNLSPAVTADD66 / 9 AA66
Phosphosite 2:KPNB3O00410S1083TECIAQLSPEQQAAI85 / 7 AA124
Phosphosite 3:ZC3H12CQ9C0D7S55ESTDPQLSPAVPWST75 / 8 AA99
Phosphosite 4:BACH1O14867S417TPCQMQLSPAVAKDG85 / 7 AA82
Phosphosite 5:CAMTA2O94983S529PAPTPQLSPALSTIT66 / 9 AA132
Phosphosite 6:XRCC1P18887S266SKPPAQLSPSVPKRP85 / 7 AA70
Phosphosite 7:ZNF746Q6NUN9S359ERDMGELSPAVAQEE55 / 9 AA69
Phosphosite 8:SLC39A4Q6P5W5S297PEAWAQLSPALLQQQ85 / 7 AA68
Phosphosite 9:PARD3Q8TEW0S748ESGKYQLSPTVNMPQ71 / 7 AA151
Phosphosite 10:CLCN2P51788S641ALLGAQLSPARRRQH100 / 6 AA98
Phosphosite 11:ERVK5Q9HDB8S177SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA28
Phosphosite 12:HERV-K_1q22 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP63135S1048SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA165
Phosphosite 13:HERV-K_11q22.1 provirus ancestral Env polyproteinP61570S288SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA75
Phosphosite 14:HERV-K_1q22 provirus ancestral Env polyproteinP61567S177SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA67
Phosphosite 15:HERV-K_22q11.21 provirus ancestral Env polyproteinP61566S177SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA67
Phosphosite 16:HERV-K_1q23.3 provirus ancestral Env polyproteinO42043S177SCPSAQVSPAVDSDL85 / 7 AA64
Phosphosite 17:FAM189A1O60320S450AACRAQLSPAGDPDT100 / 6 AA57
Phosphosite 18:NCOR1O75376S1472EAPKAQLSPGIYDDT71 / 7 AA270
Phosphosite 19:KLK9Q9UKQ9S124LPRQARLSPAVQPLN85 / 7 AA28
Phosphosite 20:GIGYF1O75420S406DIRGIQLSPGVGSSA71 / 7 AA115