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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:VPS13B
Human P-Site:S2277
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00376439
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:VPS13BQ7Z7G8S2277GNFEVQVSEPVPQMS100 / 9 AA449
Phosphosite 1:PLCG1P19174S654NEFEMRLSEPVPQTN66 / 9 AA149
Phosphosite 2:KOR-3P41146S346LRRDVQVSDRVRSIA55 / 9 AA41
Phosphosite 3:SPRYD5Q9BSJ1S104ESLLLQVSEPVNPEL85 / 7 AA34
Phosphosite 4:Putative uncharacterized protein ENSP00000334305Q3C1V9S510ESLLLQVSEPVNPEL85 / 7 AA85
Phosphosite 5:Tripartite motif-containing protein ENSP00000311270A6NCD1S267ESLLLQVSEPVNPDF85 / 7 AA53
Phosphosite 6:SHQ1Q6PI26S553LKTTVQVSEPKGTTA100 / 6 AA65
Phosphosite 7:RIMBP3Q9UFD9T674SVPQVSETVPASQPL85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 8:RIMBP3BA6NNM3T674SVPQVSETVPASQPL85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 9:RIMBP3CA6NJZ7T674SVPQVSETVPASQPL85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 10:RIMBP3Q9UFD9S672SASVPQVSETVPASQ85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 11:RIMBP3BA6NNM3S672SASVPQVSETVPASQ85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 12:RIMBP3CA6NJZ7S672SASVPQVSETVPASQ85 / 7 AA170
Phosphosite 13:ALKBH5Q6P6C2S240QFKPIRVSEPVLSLP71 / 7 AA51
Phosphosite 14:FAM96BQ9Y3D0S76EQVRVQVSDPESTVA83 / 6 AA
Phosphosite 15:C4orf21Q86YA3S899KEDEVELSEPLQSVQ62 / 8 AA119
Phosphosite 16:SRCAPQ6ZRS2S2463ALVPVPVSAPVPISA75 / 8 AA344
Phosphosite 17:WNK1Q9H4A3S795AGKQLPVSQPVPTIQ55 / 9 AA251
Phosphosite 18:MKL1Q969V6S146SPLEARVSEPLLSAT62 / 8 AA99
Phosphosite 19:SLFNL1Q499Z3S13RSVQTQVSEPFMESW71 / 7 AA46
Phosphosite 20:CdGAPQ2M1Z3S1135SSPGMQVSEPGDPKV83 / 6 AA157