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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:HMGN3
Human P-Site:S31
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00018842
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:HMGN3Q15651S31TRRSARLSAKPAPPK100 / 9 AA11
Phosphosite 1:HMGN2P05204S29QRRSARLSAKPAPPK100 / 9 AA9
Phosphosite 2:HMGN4O00479S29QRRSARLSAKPAPPK100 / 9 AA9
Phosphosite 3:HMGN1P05114S25KRRSARLSAKPPAKV100 / 8 AA11
Phosphosite 4:BDP1A6H8Y1S8MFRRARLSVKPNVRP85 / 7 AA294
Phosphosite 5:GLI3P10071S285RFSSPRLSARPSRKR66 / 9 AA170
Phosphosite 6:FBXO41Q8TF61S521PLSSCRLSARPEGGS66 / 9 AA95
Phosphosite 7:PLTPP55058S374MTMDARLSAKMALRG87 / 8 AA55
Phosphosite 8:mGluR7Q14831S877ATMSSRLSHKPSDRP66 / 9 AA102
Phosphosite 9:FascinQ16658S156RKRYAHLSARPADEI75 / 8 AA55
Phosphosite 10:ANKRD26Q9UPS8S249EDSLSRLSGKPGVDD62 / 8 AA196
Phosphosite 11:RGS14O43566S389LERVVRISAKPTKRL62 / 8 AA61
Phosphosite 12:DUS2LQ9NX74S335DAQQARLSAKTSEQT100 / 6 AA55
Phosphosite 13:ADCY4Q8NFM4S579MEKEYRLSAIPAFKY85 / 7 AA120
Phosphosite 14:NSBP1P82970S24KRRSARLSAMLVPVT85 / 7 AA32
Phosphosite 15:C3orf72Q6ZUU3S33LQASSRLSESPALVK66 / 9 AA19
Phosphosite 16:KIAA0947Q9Y2F5S514GLCIERLSASPAQEK85 / 7 AA248
Phosphosite 17:Ig heavy chain V-I region MotP06326S21PGSSARLSCKVSGDD85 / 7 AA14
Phosphosite 18:KIAA0947Q9Y2F5S516CIERLSASPAQEKEA85 / 7 AA248
Phosphosite 19:Cdc20Q12834S134EAKILRLSGKPQNAP83 / 6 AA55
Phosphosite 20:CCDC13Q8IYE1S180QTALTRLSAKGATDA75 / 8 AA81