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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:RAET1E
Human P-Site:S5
P-Site Sequence:___MRRISLTSSPVR
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:RAET1EQ8TD07S5___MRRISLTSSPVR100 / 9 AA30
Phosphosite 1:RIMS2Q9UQ26S542GGKMRQISLSSSEEE77 / 9 AA160
Phosphosite 2:LRRC28Q86X40S52RLYMKRNSLTSLPEN75 / 8 AA42
Phosphosite 3:Wnk4Q96J92S1217PGIMRRNSLSGSSTG66 / 9 AA135
Phosphosite 4:LRBAP50851S2198LPQTRRISLASPRQL75 / 8 AA319
Phosphosite 5:PARP8Q8N3A8S456NAEGRRLSLTSGLIG75 / 8 AA96
Phosphosite 6:MAP3K7IP3Q8N5C8S645ERKARRISVTSKVQA85 / 7 AA79
Phosphosite 7:FAM171A2A8MVW0S789ASELRRDSLTSPEDE66 / 9 AA87
Phosphosite 8:RGL3Q3MIN7S520PRIRRRISLTKRLSA100 / 6 AA78
Phosphosite 9:DPS1Q5T2R2S355AMIMRRFSLPGDVDR62 / 8 AA46
Phosphosite 10:NCX1P32418S8MYNMRRLSLSPTFSM55 / 9 AA109
Phosphosite 11:LOC375337Q8N9V7S141LDLVRKESLTSSESF66 / 9 AA191
Phosphosite 12:RasGRP3Q8IV61S172HKSFRRISFTDYQSY71 / 7 AA78
Phosphosite 13:RYR2Q92736S2806YNRTRRISQTSQVSV85 / 7 AA565
Phosphosite 14:PPP1R16AQ96I34S353GKVVRRVSLTQRTDL71 / 7 AA58
Phosphosite 15:SHKBP1Q8TBC3S628PSPSPRISLTSLHSA85 / 7 AA76
Phosphosite 16:SHKBP1Q8TBC3T630PSPRISLTSLHSASS100 / 6 AA76
Phosphosite 17:RTN4IP1Q8WWV3S34KPSVRRISTTSPRST66 / 9 AA44
Phosphosite 18:NBEAQ8NFP9S2272LPQARRISLATPRQL62 / 8 AA328
Phosphosite 19:IFNA8P32881S48LAQMRRISPFSCLKD66 / 9 AA22
Phosphosite 20:IFNA14P01570S48MAQMRRISPFSCLKD66 / 9 AA22