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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:Ig heavy chain V-III region WEA
Human P-Site:S84
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:Ig heavy chain V-III region WEAP01763S84NSLYLQMSSLRAEDT100 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 1:Ig heavy chain V-III region WEAP01763S85SLYLQMSSLRAEDTA100 / 8 AA12
Phosphosite 2:Ig heavy chain V-III region CAMP01768S85TLYLQMNSLRAEBTA87 / 8 AA14
Phosphosite 3:Ig heavy chain V-III region VH26P01764S104TLYLQMNSLRAEDTA87 / 8 AA13
Phosphosite 4:Ig heavy chain V-III region GAP01769S85TMYLEMNSLRAENTA75 / 8 AA13
Phosphosite 5:Ig heavy chain V-III region GALP01781S85SLYLQMNSLRVEDTA75 / 8 AA13
Phosphosite 6:TMEM55AQ8N4L2S32APPYLQESSPRAELP77 / 9 AA28
Phosphosite 7:Ig heavy chain V-III region KOLP01772S85TLFLQMDSLRPEDTG75 / 8 AA14
Phosphosite 8:Ig heavy chain V-III region BROP01766S84TLYLNMNSLRAEDTA75 / 8 AA13
Phosphosite 9:VWA3BQ502W6S783LLRSQMSSLRSSACS85 / 7 AA146
Phosphosite 10:Ig heavy chain V-I region HG3P01743S103STVYMELSSLRSEDT55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 11:Putative V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing-like protein ENSP00000303034A6NJS3S103STAYMELSSLRSEDT55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 12:VSIG7A6NDP1S103GTAYMELSSLRSEDT55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 13:UBXD3Q96LJ8S143KASSLQLSSIRALYQ75 / 8 AA31
Phosphosite 14:GTF2IRD2Q86UP8S388APGYLEISSMRRILE62 / 8 AA107
Phosphosite 15:GTF2IRD2BQ6EKJ0S388APGYLEISSMRRILE62 / 8 AA107
Phosphosite 16:VWA3BQ502W6S782SLLRSQMSSLRSSAC85 / 7 AA146
Phosphosite 17:GTF2IP78347S924APSYLEISSMRRILD62 / 8 AA112
Phosphosite 18:UBXD3Q96LJ8S144ASSLQLSSIRALYQD75 / 8 AA31
Phosphosite 19:KIF24Q5T7B8S81PERHLQTSSLRIKSQ75 / 8 AA152
Phosphosite 20:PDZRN3Q9UPQ7T212AQLELQMTALRYQKK71 / 7 AA120