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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:PHRF1
Human P-Site:S857
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:PHRF1Q9P1Y6S857SGPGLLPSEITRTIS100 / 9 AA179
Phosphosite 1:SPO11Q9Y5K1S316RWLGLLPSDLKRLNV66 / 9 AA45
Phosphosite 2:GPD2P43304S623SEISLLPSDIDRYKK66 / 9 AA81
Phosphosite 3:Protein FAM75D1Q6ZQQ2S619EARSLLPSEINHLEW66 / 9 AA176
Phosphosite 4:CA9Q16790S319DISALLPSDFSRYFQ55 / 9 AA50
Phosphosite 5:DENND4CQ5VZ89S1188SISGLVPSELTQSNT66 / 9 AA187
Phosphosite 6:PRRC1Q96M27T169SGTGLLPTPITQQAS66 / 9 AA47
Phosphosite 7:LATS2Q9NRM7T165PGKGLMPTPVTRRPS55 / 9 AA120
Phosphosite 8:FAM75-like protein FLJ43859Q6ZUB0S616EARSLMPSEINHLEW55 / 9 AA102
Phosphosite 9:Putative FAM75-like protein FLJ44082P0C874S616EARSLMPSEINHLEW55 / 9 AA102
Phosphosite 10:MACROD1Q9BQ69S159EKISLLRSDITKLEV55 / 9 AA36
Phosphosite 11:E2F6O75461S38NVEGLLPSKIRINLE85 / 7 AA32
Phosphosite 12:A2MP01023S341ELTGRQSSEITRTIT66 / 9 AA163
Phosphosite 13:PSDA5PKW4S893FSRPLLPSAATRLSQ75 / 8 AA110
Phosphosite 14:RUFY4Q6ZNE9S125LQLCLLNSELTREWY75 / 8 AA64
Phosphosite 15:KIF20AO95235S77RVRPLLPSELERQED75 / 8 AA100
Phosphosite 16:RNF138Q8WVD3S201SLPWGDPSQITRNFV83 / 6 AA28
Phosphosite 17:IDEP14735S761HTKPLLPSQLVRYRE62 / 8 AA118
Phosphosite 18:XRCC6P12956S314TGGLLLPSDTKRSQI62 / 8 AA70
Phosphosite 19:ZBTB4Q9P1Z0S397ISPGLLASEKTPNGG75 / 8 AA105
Phosphosite 20:SERPINB2P05120S284TGLELLESEITYDKL85 / 7 AA47