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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:BRCA2
Human P-Site:T2515
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00412408
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:BRCA2P51587T2515GSLYLAKTSTLPRIS100 / 9 AA384
Phosphosite 1:DMWDQ09019T459PHPPLARTRTLPGTP75 / 8 AA70
Phosphosite 2:Cyclin B1P14635S413TSKHAKISTLPQLNS85 / 7 AA48
Phosphosite 3:PHF14O94880T720GGTQKTSTLPAVLYS100 / 6 AA100
Phosphosite 4:Cyclin B1P14635T414SKHAKISTLPQLNSA85 / 7 AA48
Phosphosite 5:PHF14O94880S719EGGTQKTSTLPAVLY100 / 6 AA100
Phosphosite 6:MAML2Q8IZL2T243SQAPLRKTNTLPSHT75 / 8 AA125
Phosphosite 7:ZFYVE9O95405S1219SSGYLAKSSIVEDGV62 / 8 AA156
Phosphosite 8:C3orf63Q9UK61T727NMRKLAKTSNLSENC75 / 8 AA189
Phosphosite 9:NCOA1Q15788S403PAHGVARSSTLPPSN62 / 8 AA157
Phosphosite 10:SNCAIPQ9Y6H5T891ANQLKTSTLPLTSLG100 / 6 AA100
Phosphosite 11:NCOA1Q15788S404AHGVARSSTLPPSNS62 / 8 AA157
Phosphosite 12:HERV-K_12q14.1 provirus ancestral Gag polyproteinP62683S356DWEILAKSSLLPSQF75 / 8 AA74
Phosphosite 13:FLJ30092Q9Y4D8T49PSHPLAKTKTLVKSL85 / 7 AA328
Phosphosite 14:NCOA1Q15788T405HGVARSSTLPPSNSN71 / 7 AA157
Phosphosite 15:TTNQ8WZ42T5197LELYLVKTSDSGTYT83 / 6 AA3816
Phosphosite 16:NEDD4P46934T573KMTYLPKTSGSEDDN83 / 6 AA149
Phosphosite 17:GluR1P42261T856SINEAIRTSTLPRNS83 / 6 AA102
Phosphosite 18:TRPV2Q9Y5S1S99AGLPEYLSKTSKYLT83 / 6 AA86
Phosphosite 19:KIAA1429Q69YN4S579HLAEKTSSLPNHSEP71 / 7 AA202
Phosphosite 20:GluR1P42261T858NEAIRTSTLPRNSGA83 / 6 AA102