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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:CKAP2
Human P-Site:T3
P-Site Sequence:_____MSTPAVPQDL
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00071824
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:CKAP2Q8WWK9T3_____MSTPAVPQDL100 / 7 AA77
Phosphosite 1:CKAP2Q8WWK9S2______MSTPAVPQD100 / 6 AA77
Phosphosite 2:NUDT16L1Q9BRJ7T3_____MSTAAVPELK85 / 7 AA23
Phosphosite 3:NPVFQ9HCQ7T75KNVIKMSTPAVNKMP100 / 6 AA22
Phosphosite 4:NPVFQ9HCQ7S74PKNVIKMSTPAVNKM100 / 6 AA22
Phosphosite 5:POLSQ5XG87S459KAVHHMSSPAIPSAS71 / 7 AA60
Phosphosite 6:AIFM1O95831T547EITIPPSTPAVPQAP100 / 6 AA67
Phosphosite 7:RGAG1Q8NET4T758SDVMSTPTVRAWTSE71 / 7 AA144
Phosphosite 8:SFRS2IPQ99590T1316HVSNNMSTPVLPAPT71 / 7 AA165
Phosphosite 9:RGAG1Q8NET4T756PTSDVMSTPTVRAWT71 / 7 AA144
Phosphosite 10:LONRF1Q17RB8S2______MSSPAVART83 / 6 AA87
Phosphosite 11:RGAG1Q8NET4S755SPTSDVMSTPTVRAW83 / 6 AA144
Phosphosite 12:RapGEF1Q13905T77QAVEFMSTSAVASRS71 / 7 AA121
Phosphosite 13:RapGEF1Q13905S78AVEFMSTSAVASRSQ71 / 7 AA121
Phosphosite 14:NUDT16L1Q9BRJ7S2______MSTAAVPEL83 / 6 AA23
Phosphosite 15:ST3GAL3Q11203T328GFGYDMSTPNAPLHY71 / 7 AA42
Phosphosite 16:POPDC3Q9HBV1T270PNFYQMSTPEIRRSP57 / 7 AA34
Phosphosite 17:ZFHX3Q15911T2061APPQPASTPAIPASA83 / 6 AA404
Phosphosite 18:ZNF532Q9HCE3T355PSSPAGSTPAIPKVR83 / 6 AA142
Phosphosite 19:RIOK1Q9BRS2T107SSSAKMSTPADKVLR100 / 5 AA66
Phosphosite 20:POPDC3Q9HBV1S269LPNFYQMSTPEIRRS66 / 6 AA34