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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:UBE2I
Human P-Site:T51
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:UBE2IP63279T51AIPGKKGTPWEGGLF100 / 9 AA18
Phosphosite 1:ARSIQ5FYB1T317PLRGRKGTYWEGGVR77 / 9 AA64
Phosphosite 2:FGF9P31371T171VALNKDGTPREGTRT75 / 8 AA23
Phosphosite 3:ARSJQ5FYB0T347PLRGSKGTYWEGGIR77 / 9 AA67
Phosphosite 4:ERVK6Q9WJR5S809HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA108
Phosphosite 5:Endogenous retrovirus group K member 11 Pol proteinQ9UQG0S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA110
Phosphosite 6:HERV-K_1q23.3 provirus ancestral Pol proteinQ9QC07S805HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA92
Phosphosite 7:ERVK6Q9BXR3S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA108
Phosphosite 8:HERV-K_11q22.1 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP63136S804HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA107
Phosphosite 9:HERV-K_1q22 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP63135S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA165
Phosphosite 10:HERV-K_8p23.1 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP63133S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA108
Phosphosite 11:HERV-K_19p13.11 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP63132S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA108
Phosphosite 12:HERV-K_5q33.3 provirus ancestral Pol proteinP10266S806HLTGKKNSPHEGKLI66 / 9 AA115
Phosphosite 13:KIAA1109Q2LD37T4398KAASQQGTPWETLVV62 / 8 AA555
Phosphosite 14:BCS1LQ9Y276T130MIDLQTGTPWESVTF62 / 8 AA48
Phosphosite 15:ARSIQ5FYB1Y318LRGRKGTYWEGGVRG75 / 8 AA64
Phosphosite 16:MBTPS1Q14703S574SVTKKAASWEGIAQG62 / 8 AA118
Phosphosite 17:PARP4Q9UKK3S1306EPLFKKVSPWETSTS71 / 7 AA193
Phosphosite 18:TYMPP19971T435GQRLRRGTPWLRVHR66 / 6 AA50
Phosphosite 19:ORMDL1Q9P0S3T70FLHAVKGTPFETPDQ83 / 6 AA17
Phosphosite 20:DDX11Q96FC9T825TLSPRPGTPREGSGG62 / 8 AA108