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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:AIM1
Human P-Site:Y1722
P-Site Sequence:VWEAMVLYT______
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00294840
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:AIM1Q9Y4K1Y1722VWEAMVLYT______100 / 6 AA189
Phosphosite 1:NPPBP16860Y96GHRKMVLYTLRAPRS100 / 5 AA15
Phosphosite 2:NPPBP16860T97HRKMVLYTLRAPRSP100 / 5 AA15
Phosphosite 3:NANOS1Q8WY41Y227NKEAMALYTTHILKG83 / 6 AA30
Phosphosite 4:ACSF3Q4G176Y201NKGAMIIYTSGTTGR66 / 6 AA64
Phosphosite 5:LOC124220Q96DA0Y136FLRGMVMYTSKDRYF66 / 6 AA23
Phosphosite 6:FOXC2Q99958Y339SMRAMSLYTGAERPA83 / 6 AA54
Phosphosite 7:FSIP2Q5CZC0S799VPGMVLYSDDENEEI80 / 5 AA370
Phosphosite 8:VPS13AQ96RL7Y1408DDLTMVLYSPGPKQA66 / 6 AA360
Phosphosite 9:VPS13AQ96RL7S1409DLTMVLYSPGPKQAS80 / 5 AA360
Phosphosite 10:TKTL1P51854Y455RPETMVIYTPQERFE66 / 6 AA65
Phosphosite 11:FOXC2Q99958S337QCSMRAMSLYTGAER83 / 6 AA54
Phosphosite 12:VWFP04275Y283AQEGMVLYGWTDHSA80 / 5 AA309
Phosphosite 13:TKTL1P51854T456PETMVIYTPQERFEI80 / 5 AA65
Phosphosite 14:SVILO95425Y518GRSEMVLYIQSEPVS66 / 6 AA248
Phosphosite 15:AKAP10O43572Y439QNDAMILYDKYFSLQ80 / 5 AA74
Phosphosite 16:BRCA2P51587Y930KNSTMVLYGDTGDKQ80 / 5 AA384
Phosphosite 17:VPS13AQ96RL7T1404SFKTDDLTMVLYSPG80 / 5 AA360
Phosphosite 18:IFT80Q9P2H3Y164PDSEKVLYTAGKQLI66 / 6 AA88
Phosphosite 19:DDEF2O43150Y52DVDRMVLYKMKKSVK80 / 5 AA112
Phosphosite 20:DGCR8Q8WYQ5Y137SKDRKVLYTGAERDV80 / 5 AA86