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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:Ig lambda chain V-I region BL2
Human P-Site:Y69
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:Ig lambda chain V-I region BL2P06316Y69TAPKLLIYDNNKRPS100 / 9 AA14
Phosphosite 1:Ig lambda chain V-I region NIG-64P01702Y50TAPKLLIYDNNKRPS100 / 9 AA11
Phosphosite 2:Ig lambda chain V-I region NEWP01701Y50TAPKLLIYEDNKRPS77 / 9 AA11
Phosphosite 3:Ig kappa chain V-I region RoyP01608Y49KAPKLLIYDASKLEA77 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 4:Ig lambda chain V-II region NEIP01705Y51KAPKLMIYEGNKRPS66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 5:LRRC10Q5BKY1Y219SSLKLVIYDHNPCRN75 / 8 AA32
Phosphosite 6:Ig lambda chain V-II region NIG-84P04209Y51KAPKLLIYDVNSRPS87 / 8 AA12
Phosphosite 7:Ig lambda chain V-II region WINP01712Y51KVPKLMIYDVDKRPS66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 8:IGKV1-5P01602Y71KAPKLLIYDASSLES75 / 8 AA13
Phosphosite 9:CDK1P06493Y270LLSKMLIYDPAKRIS66 / 9 AA34
Phosphosite 10:CRIKO14578Y1478EGSKVLIYDNEAREA75 / 8 AA231
Phosphosite 11:Ig kappa chain V-I region NiP01613Y53KAPKLLIYDASNLET66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 12:Ig kappa chain V-I region AUP01594Y49KAPKLLIYDASNLES66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 13:Ig gamma lambda chain V-II region DOTP80422Y51RAPRLLIYDDSLRPS62 / 8 AA12
Phosphosite 14:Ig lambda chain V-I region MEMP06887Y51TAPKLLIYNYNQRPS66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 15:DSG3P32926Y816ANDCLLIYDNEGADA85 / 7 AA108
Phosphosite 16:FGD1P98174Y773EFRARLVYDNNRSNR71 / 7 AA107
Phosphosite 17:Ig kappa chain V-III region VGP04433Y69QAPRLLIYDASNRAT55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 18:Ig kappa chain V-I region ReiP01607Y49KAPKLLIYEASNLQA55 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 19:Ig lambda chain V-II region BOHP01706Y51KAPKLIIYGVNKRPS66 / 9 AA12
Phosphosite 20:DSG4Q86SJ6Y806ANDCLLIYDHEGVGS71 / 7 AA114