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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:ACAT1
Human P-Site:Y90
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00030363
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:ACAT1P24752Y90KEEVKEAYMGNVLQG100 / 9 AA45
Phosphosite 1:FLJ21438Q86YV0Y660PFGEKEAYMGFMNSF100 / 6 AA119
Phosphosite 2:KRT8P05787Y204KKDVDEAYMNKVELE66 / 9 AA54
Phosphosite 3:IDEP14735Y666FEIIKEAYMRSLNNF55 / 9 AA118
Phosphosite 4:MTL5Q9Y4I5Y53FHVFKEAYLGPADPK83 / 6 AA55
Phosphosite 5:Putative IQ motif and ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein LOC642574A8MXQ7Y127ETPQKEAYLAPVRRE62 / 8 AA68
Phosphosite 6:AFAP1Q8N556Y248LKVIKEAYSGCSGPV71 / 7 AA81
Phosphosite 7:RASA1P20936Y952EFGAKEPYMEGVNPF62 / 8 AA116
Phosphosite 8:DDX49Q9Y6V7Y234PEKVKDAYLVHLIQR44 / 9 AA54
Phosphosite 9:THYN1Q9P016Y134MKIVKEAYPDHTQFE55 / 9 AA26
Phosphosite 10:TRIOO75962Y457FHQKAEKYMSNVDSW71 / 7 AA347
Phosphosite 11:C1GALT1Q9NS00Y206KPYVKQGYMSGGAGY66 / 6 AA42
Phosphosite 12:SDK1Q7Z5N4Y189KSEVQVAYMGSFMDT62 / 8 AA242
Phosphosite 13:C10orf119Q9BTE3Y145STWVKEAYVNANQAR83 / 6 AA73
Phosphosite 14:PAPPA2Q9BXP8Y147LLGDDDAYLGNQRSK66 / 6 AA199
Phosphosite 15:KRT79Q5XKE5Y259KKDVDAAYMGRMDLH71 / 7 AA58
Phosphosite 16:TMEM209Q96SK2Y235SPTDKEDYMTDLRTL50 / 8 AA63
Phosphosite 17:RASA3Q14644S536KSASFKESYMATFYE57 / 7 AA96
Phosphosite 18:RASA3Q14644Y537SASFKESYMATFYEF57 / 7 AA96
Phosphosite 19:SNRNP200O75643Y2113LYFMSDAYMGCDQEY57 / 7 AA245
Phosphosite 20:CENTA1O75689Y258RNYLKEGYMEKTGPK44 / 9 AA43