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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - Blast analyses are based on comparisons of the phosphosites and the bordering four amino acids on each side of these phosphosites.
Human Protein:Ig heavy chain V-II region MCE
Human P-Site:Y95
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Phosphosite
Human Protein
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Sequence% Identity / # AATarget Size kDa
Phosphosite 0:Ig heavy chain V-II region MCEP01817Y95DPVDSGTYFCAHRPP100 / 9 AA14
Phosphosite 1:Ig heavy chain V-III region KOLP01772Y94RPEDTGVYFCARDGG66 / 9 AA14
Phosphosite 2:Ig heavy chain V-I region DOTP80421Y93RSDDTGRYFCARVSY66 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 3:SEMA3EO15041T651LHKSDAGTYFCQTVE85 / 7 AA89
Phosphosite 4:SEMA3EO15041Y652HKSDAGTYFCQTVEH85 / 7 AA89
Phosphosite 5:FCGR3AP08637S169ATLKDSGSYFCRGLF85 / 7 AA29
Phosphosite 6:FCGR3BO75015S169ATLKDSGSYFCRGLV85 / 7 AA26
Phosphosite 7:FCGR3AP08637Y170TLKDSGSYFCRGLFG85 / 7 AA29
Phosphosite 8:FCGR3BO75015Y170TLKDSGSYFCRGLVG85 / 7 AA26
Phosphosite 9:PDCD1Q15116Y121RRNDSGTYLCGAISL75 / 8 AA62
Phosphosite 10:TTNQ8WZ42T5764AKATDSGTYICQLSN85 / 7 AA3816
Phosphosite 11:INPP5FQ9Y2H2Y357SEKETVAYFCAHFEE55 / 9 AA128
Phosphosite 12:SEMA3BQ13214Y642RRRDSGVYLCAAVEQ75 / 8 AA83
Phosphosite 13:DPH3BQ9H4G8Y22YDEDSETYFCPCPCG75 / 8 AA9
Phosphosite 14:TCRAP04437Y114QPGDSAVYFCAAKGA75 / 8 AA15
Phosphosite 15:TRBV12-3P01733Y109EPRDSAVYFCASSFS75 / 8 AA15
Phosphosite 16:Ig heavy chain V-III region GARP80419Y92RVEDTATYYCARVSD55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 17:Ig heavy chain V-II region SESSP04438Y114DPADTATYYCARMQV55 / 9 AA16
Phosphosite 18:Ig heavy chain V-II region DAWP01816Y95GPGDTATYYCARSCG55 / 9 AA13
Phosphosite 19:VSTM1Q6UX27Y94KPKDAGRYFCAYKTT66 / 9 AA26
Phosphosite 20:Ig kappa chain V-I region WalkerP04431Y108QPEDSATYYCQQSYS55 / 9 AA14