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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:OGFR
Human P-Site:T150
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00021537
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P19784132CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P19784150
Kinase 2:CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P68400119CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P68400142
Kinase 3:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P45985117PKCb (PRKCB1)P05771116
Kinase 4:PKCb (PRKCB1)P05771107ATRQ13535114
Kinase 5:ERK2 (MAPK1)P28482106ULK2Q8IYT8111
Kinase 6:SCYL2 (FLJ10074)Q6P3W7104PKCa (PRKCA)P17252110
Kinase 7:PKCa (PRKCA)P17252103ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q99683107
Kinase 8:ULK2Q8IYT8101LATS2 (KPM)Q9NRM7107
Kinase 9:CDK4P1180299MAP3K15Q6ZN16107
Kinase 10:PKCg (PRKCG)P0512998CDK4P11802106
Kinase 11:MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q0275098PKCg (PRKCG)P05129105
Kinase 12:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473398ERK2 (MAPK1)P28482104
Kinase 13:p38a MAPK (MAPK14)Q1653996MEK4 (MAP2K4)P45985104
Kinase 14:CDK6Q0053496PKCd (PRKCD)Q05655104
Kinase 15:p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O1526495ZC4Q7Z2Y5103
Kinase 16:IRAK2O4318794ASK2 (MAP3K6)O95382102
Kinase 17:MEK5 (MAP2K5)Q1316394PFTAIRE1 (PFTK1)O94921102
Kinase 18:PRP4Q1352393HUNK (BRD4)P57058102
Kinase 19:PKCd (PRKCD)Q0565592CDK6Q00534101
Kinase 20:PCTAIRE2 (PCTK2)Q0053791p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O15264101
Kinase 21:JNK1 (MAPK8)P4598391NEK5Q6P3R8101
Kinase 22:JNK3 (MAPK10)P5377991CHED (CDC2L5)Q14004101
Kinase 23:ZC4Q7Z2Y590PCTAIRE2 (PCTK2)Q00537101
Kinase 24:GCK (MAP4K2)Q1285189MEK5 (MAP2K5)Q13163101
Kinase 25:CDK3Q0052689MLKLQ8NB16101
Kinase 26:PFTAIRE1 (PFTK1)O9492188JNK1 (MAPK8)P45983101
Kinase 27:PKCt (PRKCQ)Q0475986JNK3 (MAPK10)P53779101
Kinase 28:KHS1 (MAP4K5)Q9Y4K486CDK3Q00526100
Kinase 29:MLKLQ8NB1686LATS1O95835100
Kinase 30:HPK1 (MAP4K1)Q9291886PKCt (PRKCQ)Q04759100
Kinase 31:CDK2P2494185CDK5Q0053599
Kinase 32:PCTAIRE3Q0700284PKCi (PRKCI)P4174399
Kinase 33:PFTAIRE2 (ALS2CR7)Q96Q4084PFTAIRE2 (ALS2CR7)Q96Q4099
Kinase 34:LZK (MAP3K13)O4328384PKN1 (PRKCL1)Q1651299
Kinase 35:KHS2 (MAP4K3)Q8IVH884PKN2 (PRKCL2)Q1651399
Kinase 36:CHED (CDC2L5)Q1400483PKACg (PRKACG)P2261298
Kinase 37:DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285283GCK (MAP4K2)Q1285198
Kinase 38:PAK5Q9P28683LZK (MAP3K13)O4328398
Kinase 39:PKCi (PRKCI)P4174383PAK2Q1317798
Kinase 40:TBK1Q9UHD282PAK3Q6282998
Kinase 41:TESK2Q96S5382NEK4 (STK2)P5195797
Kinase 42:SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I982DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285297
Kinase 43:PKN1 (PRKCL1)Q1651282PCTAIRE3Q0700297
Kinase 44:PKN2 (PRKCL2)Q1651382MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473397
Kinase 45:ERK1P2736182p38a MAPK (MAPK14)Q1653997
Kinase 46:WEE1B (H_DJ0894A10.)P0C1S882TBK1Q9UHD297
Kinase 47:ANKRD3 (RIPK4)P5707882IRAK2O4318796
Kinase 48:PKACg (PRKACG)P2261281PCTAIRE1 (PCTK1)Q0473595
Kinase 49:HUNK (BRD4)P5705881PKCe (PRKCE)Q0215695
Kinase 50:CDK5Q0053580KHS1 (MAP4K5)Q9Y4K494