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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:MTTP
Human P-Site:T165
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:DNAPK/PRKDCP78527124DNAPK/PRKDCP78527149
Kinase 2:ATRQ13535100ATRQ13535137
Kinase 3:CK1a2 (AL356274_EPK)Q8N75298CHK2 (CHEK2)O96017113
Kinase 4:mTOR/FRAPP4234597mTOR/FRAPP42345112
Kinase 5:skMLCK (MYLK2)Q9H1R392skMLCK (MYLK2)Q9H1R3112
Kinase 6:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598587CK1a2 (AL356274_EPK)Q8N752110
Kinase 7:CHK2 (CHEK2)O9601784CK1a1 (CSNK1A1)P48729109
Kinase 8:CK1d1 (CSNK1D)P4873083PLK1 (PLK)P53350108
Kinase 9:CK1e1 (CSNK1E)P4967483ERK2 (MAPK1)P28482106
Kinase 10:CK1a1 (CSNK1A1)P4872982ERK1P27361105
Kinase 11:CHK1 (CHEK1)O1475779SGKO00141104
Kinase 12:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473377CK1d1 (CSNK1D)P48730103
Kinase 13:PLK1 (PLK)P5335077CK1e1 (CSNK1E)P49674103
Kinase 14:ERK1P2736176CHK1 (CHEK1)O14757102
Kinase 15:CK1g2 (CSNK1G2)P7836876SGK3 (SGKL)Q96BR1102
Kinase 16:CK1g1(CSNK1G1)Q9HCP076p38g MAPK (MAPK12)P53778101
Kinase 17:CK1g3 (CSNK1G3)Q9Y6M476p38a MAPK (MAPK14)Q16539101
Kinase 18:ERK2 (MAPK1)P2848274SGK2Q9HBY8101
Kinase 19:p38g MAPK (MAPK12)P5377872PLK2 (SNK)Q9NYY3100
Kinase 20:HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6372RSK3 (RPS6KA1)Q1534999
Kinase 21:SGKO0014172ANPa (NPR1)P1606699
Kinase 22:SGK3 (SGKL)Q96BR171RSK1 (RPS6KA2)Q1541897
Kinase 23:TTKP3398171PLK3 (CNK)Q9H4B497
Kinase 24:CDK6Q0053470p38b MAPK (MAPK11)Q1575996
Kinase 25:RSK1 (RPS6KA2)Q1541869IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492096
Kinase 26:PLK2 (SNK)Q9NYY369RSK4 (RPS6KA6)Q9UK3296
Kinase 27:SgK396 (STK31)Q9BXU169JNK1 (MAPK8)P4598396
Kinase 28:HH498 (LOC51086)Q59H1868JNK3 (MAPK10)P5377996
Kinase 29:PKCi (PRKCI)P4174367MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598595
Kinase 30:PLK3 (CNK)Q9H4B467ZC2 (TNIK)Q9UKE595
Kinase 31:SGK2Q9HBY866PKCi (PRKCI)P4174395
Kinase 32:p38b MAPK (MAPK11)Q1575966CK1g2 (CSNK1G2)P7836895
Kinase 33:DRAK2 (STK17B)O9476866CK1g1(CSNK1G1)Q9HCP095
Kinase 34:ZC2 (TNIK)Q9UKE566CK1g3 (CSNK1G3)Q9Y6M495
Kinase 35:SNRK (FLJ20224)Q9NRH264SNRK (FLJ20224)Q9NRH294
Kinase 36:p38a MAPK (MAPK14)Q1653964RSK2 (RPS6KA3)P5181294
Kinase 37:RIPK1Q1354664RSK1 (RPS6KA2)Q1541893
Kinase 38:RSK3 (RPS6KA1)Q1534964CAMK4Q1656693
Kinase 39:CLIK1 (IMAGE_486935)Q8TDR263IKKa (CHUK)O1511193
Kinase 40:ANPa (NPR1)P1606663CDK6Q0053493
Kinase 41:ACTR2A (ACVR2)P2703762Plk4 (STK18)Q6470293
Kinase 42:CLIK1L (BF960819)Q8N16561CDKL4 (AA626859)Q5MAI592
Kinase 43:CDKL4 (AA626859)Q5MAI560CDKL3Q8IVW492
Kinase 44:STLK3 (SPAK)Q9UEW860DRAK2 (STK17B)O9476892
Kinase 45:MAPKAPK5 (PRAK)Q8IW4159ERK5 (MAPK7)Q1316492
Kinase 46:RSK4 (RPS6KA6)Q9UK3259SPEG (KIAA1297)Q1577291
Kinase 47:ADCK1Q9UIE659MAPKAPK5 (PRAK)Q8IW4191
Kinase 48:OSR1O9574759RSK4 (RPS6KA6)Q9UK3290
Kinase 49:RSK4 (RPS6KA6)Q9UK3259TTKP3398190
Kinase 50:IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492058SgK494 (AK057735)Q96LW289