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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:OPN1SW
Human P-Site:T193
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00008604
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:LKB1 (STK11)Q15831134LKB1 (STK11)Q1583186
Kinase 2:IKKEQ14164120IKKEQ1416477
Kinase 3:PKCt (PRKCQ)Q04759113PKCt (PRKCQ)Q0475972
Kinase 4:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O14733107MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473369
Kinase 5:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P45985107MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598568
Kinase 6:PKCd (PRKCD)Q05655105PKCd (PRKCD)Q0565567
Kinase 7:PKCi (PRKCI)P41743103PKCi (PRKCI)P4174366
Kinase 8:PKCe (PRKCE)Q0215699PKCe (PRKCE)Q0215664
Kinase 9:PKCg (PRKCG)P0512999PKCg (PRKCG)P0512964
Kinase 10:PKCa (PRKCA)P1725298PKCa (PRKCA)P1725263
Kinase 11:ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538298ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538263
Kinase 12:TBK1Q9UHD296TBK1Q9UHD262
Kinase 13:PKCb (PRKCB1)P0577196PKCb (PRKCB1)P0577161
Kinase 14:MAP3K15Q6ZN1695MAP3K15Q6ZN1661
Kinase 15:ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q9968393ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q9968360
Kinase 16:GSK3AP4984092GSK3AP4984059
Kinase 17:GSK3BP4984188GSK3BP4984157
Kinase 18:PKCh (PRKCH)P2472386PKCh (PRKCH)P2472355
Kinase 19:RHOK (Grk1)Q1583585RHOK (Grk1)Q1583554
Kinase 20:PDK1 (PDPK1)O1553083PDK1 (PDPK1)O1553053
Kinase 21:MSSK1 (STK23)Q9UPE183MSSK1 (STK23)Q9UPE153
Kinase 22:MEK6 (MAP2K6)P5256482MEK6 (MAP2K6)P5256453
Kinase 23:MEK3 (MAP2K3)P4673481MEK3 (MAP2K3)P4673452
Kinase 24:CHED (CDC2L5)Q1400481CHED (CDC2L5)Q1400452
Kinase 25:PKCz (PRKCZ)Q0551380PKCz (PRKCZ)Q0551352
Kinase 26:CaMKK1 (DKFZP761M0423)Q8N5S980CaMKK1 (DKFZP761M0423)Q8N5S951
Kinase 27:DAPK2Q9UIK479DAPK2Q9UIK451
Kinase 28:ROCK2O7511679ROCK2O7511651
Kinase 29:SCYL3 (LOC57147)Q8IZE378SCYL3 (LOC57147)Q8IZE350
Kinase 30:MLK3 (MAP3K11)Q1658478MLK3 (MAP3K11)Q1658450
Kinase 31:CRK7 (CRKRS)Q9NYV476CRK7 (CRKRS)Q9NYV449
Kinase 32:LATS1O9583576LATS1O9583549
Kinase 33:IRAK2O4318775IRAK2O4318748
Kinase 34:SRPK2P7836273SRPK2P7836247
Kinase 35:NDR2 (KIAA0965)Q9Y2H173NDR2 (KIAA0965)Q9Y2H147
Kinase 36:HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6372HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6346
Kinase 37:IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492071IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492046
Kinase 38:DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285270DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285245
Kinase 39:LATS2 (KPM)Q9NRM770LATS2 (KPM)Q9NRM745
Kinase 40:LZK (MAP3K13)O4328370LZK (MAP3K13)O4328345
Kinase 41:PITSLRE (CDC2L1)Q9UQ8869PITSLRE (CDC2L1)Q9UQ8845
Kinase 42:MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277968MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277944
Kinase 43:PKR (PRKR) (EIF2AK2)P1952568PKR (PRKR) (EIF2AK2)P1952544
Kinase 44:IKKa (CHUK)O1511168IKKa (CHUK)O1511144
Kinase 45:CAMKK2Q96RR467CAMKK2Q96RR443
Kinase 46:SRPK1Q96SB467SRPK1Q96SB443
Kinase 47:HH498 (LOC51086)Q59H1866HH498 (LOC51086)Q59H1843
Kinase 48:ERK5 (MAPK7)Q1316466ERK5 (MAPK7)Q1316442
Kinase 49:HIPK3Q9H42265HIPK3Q9H42242
Kinase 50:SgK196Q9H5K365SgK196Q9H5K342