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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:CCT3
Human P-Site:T225
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00553185
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q99683104ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q9968388
Kinase 2:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O14733102MAP3K15Q6ZN1686
Kinase 3:PYK2 (PTK2B)Q14289102ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538284
Kinase 4:MAP3K15Q6ZN16100MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473380
Kinase 5:ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538297RAF1P0404973
Kinase 6:LKB1 (STK11)Q1583188LKB1 (STK11)Q1583173
Kinase 7:LCKP0623987NIK (MAP3K14)Q9955873
Kinase 8:YES1P0794786PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428972
Kinase 9:HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6385PDK1 (PDPK1)O1553072
Kinase 10:RAF1P0404984PKCt (PRKCQ)Q0475971
Kinase 11:HCKP0863183NEK10Q6ZWH571
Kinase 12:TECP4268082MLK3 (MAP3K11)Q1658470
Kinase 13:MLK3 (MAP3K11)Q1658481ARAFP1039870
Kinase 14:MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277981MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277969
Kinase 15:PRP4Q1352380MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX869
Kinase 16:ARAFP1039880COT (MAP3K8)P4127968
Kinase 17:ADCK3 (LOC56997)Q8NI6080HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6368
Kinase 18:CTK (MATK)P4267978PRP4Q1352368
Kinase 19:MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX878NEK4 (STK2)P5195766
Kinase 20:PDK1 (PDPK1)O1553078PKCh (PRKCH)P2472364
Kinase 21:SYKP4340578NEK6Q9HC9864
Kinase 22:LYNP0794877BRAFP1505664
Kinase 23:PKCt (PRKCQ)Q0475976DMPK2 (HSMDPKIN)Q6DT3764
Kinase 24:SRCP1293176PKCd (PRKCD)Q0565564
Kinase 25:NIK (MAP3K14)Q9955875SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I963
Kinase 26:BMXP5181374PIM1P1130963
Kinase 27:NEK10Q6ZWH573LCKP0623963
Kinase 28:PIM1P1130972ROCK2O7511663
Kinase 29:BLKP5145172ADCK3 (LOC56997)Q8NI6063
Kinase 30:BRAFP1505671YES1P0794763
Kinase 31:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598570NEK8 (AI086865)Q86SG662
Kinase 32:SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I969PKCa (PRKCA)P1725262
Kinase 33:ITKQ0888169HCKP0863162
Kinase 34:ERBB3P2186069DMPK1 (DMPK)Q0901361
Kinase 35:COT (MAP3K8)P4127969PKCb (PRKCB1)P0577161
Kinase 36:ZAP70P4340368MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598561
Kinase 37:NEK6Q9HC9868TAK1 (MAP3K7)O4331860
Kinase 38:PKCh (PRKCH)P2472368PKCg (PRKCG)P0512959
Kinase 39:TXKP4268168PIM2Q9P1W959
Kinase 40:DMPK2 (HSMDPKIN)Q6DT3767PKCe (PRKCE)Q0215659
Kinase 41:PKCd (PRKCD)Q0565567MLK1P8019259
Kinase 42:TAK1 (MAP3K7)O4331867SgK110P0C26458
Kinase 43:NEK4 (STK2)P5195767HH498 (LOC51086)Q59H1858
Kinase 44:CSKP4124066GSK3AP4984058
Kinase 45:ROCK2O7511666NEK7 (AL556516)Q8TDX758
Kinase 46:FGRP0976966TECP4268058
Kinase 47:GSK3AP4984065IRAK1P5161758
Kinase 48:KITP1072164MRCKb (CDC42BPB)Q9Y5S257
Kinase 49:HRIQ9BQI364HRIQ9BQI357
Kinase 50:FRKP4268563LYNP0794857