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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:PPEF2
Human P-Site:T253
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:ATRQ1353590TECP4268075
Kinase 2:HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6381BMXP5181367
Kinase 3:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473375JAK2O6067465
Kinase 4:AMPKa1 (PRKAA1)Q1313169PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428964
Kinase 5:CHK1 (CHEK1)O1475768TXKP4268163
Kinase 6:MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q0275067FESP0733260
Kinase 7:MEK2 (MAP2K2)P3650766ITKQ0888159
Kinase 8:PKCd (PRKCD)Q0565566LTKP2937659
Kinase 9:PDK1 (PDPK1)O1553065AXLP3053057
Kinase 10:SgK288Q8NFD261JAK1_d2P5233256
Kinase 11:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598560FLT1P1794856
Kinase 12:CHK2 (CHEK2)O9601759KDRP3596856
Kinase 13:AMPKa2 (PRKAA2)P5464659ALKQ9UM7355
Kinase 14:LKB1 (STK11)Q1583157Flt4 (VEGFR3)P3591854
Kinase 15:MAPKAPK5 (PRAK)Q8IW4157FERP1659154
Kinase 16:SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I956ATRQ1353554
Kinase 17:MAPKAPK2P4913755MER (MERTK)Q1286653
Kinase 18:IRAK4 (LOC51135)Q9NWZ353SYKP4340553
Kinase 19:MEK5 (MAP2K5)Q1316352ERBB4Q1530353
Kinase 20:MELK (KIAA0175)Q1468050INSRP0621353
Kinase 21:QIK (KIAA0781)Q9H0K150FRKP4268552
Kinase 22:MAPKAPK3Q1664449EGFRP0053352
Kinase 23:PKCt (PRKCQ)Q0475948MUSKO1514651
Kinase 24:DNAPK/PRKDCP7852748BTKQ0618751
Kinase 25:CAMKK2Q96RR446SRCP1293150
Kinase 26:PKCe (PRKCE)Q0215644FGFR1P1136250
Kinase 27:TTKP3398144BLKP5145150
Kinase 28:MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277943FGFR4P2245549
Kinase 29:AKT2P3175142LYNP0794849
Kinase 30:PLK1 (PLK)P5335042ACK1Q0791249
Kinase 31:AKT1P3174941KITP1072149
Kinase 32:IRE2 (ERN2)Q76MJ541TYRO3Q0641849
Kinase 33:MLK3 (MAP3K11)Q1658440TNK1Q1347048
Kinase 34:NIM1 (BE551926)Q8IY8440ERBB2P0462648
Kinase 35:CAMK4Q1656640FYNP0624148
Kinase 36:PKCg (PRKCG)P0512940HCKP0863148
Kinase 37:MLK1P8019240RONQ0491248
Kinase 38:CaMK1a (CAMK1)Q1401239TRKC (NTRK3)Q1628847
Kinase 39:PKD3 (PRKCN)O9480639BRKQ1388247
Kinase 40:CaMKK1 (DKFZP761M0423)Q8N5S939SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y647
Kinase 41:PKD1 (PRKCM)Q1513939HIPK4 (BG105231)Q8NE6347
Kinase 42:YANK2 (HSA250839)Q9NY5739YES1P0794747
Kinase 43:PKCa (PRKCA)P1725238ABLP0051947
Kinase 44:PKCh (PRKCH)P2472338TRKB (NTRK2)Q1662047
Kinase 45:IRE1 (ERN1)O7546038MEK2 (MAP2K2)P3650746
Kinase 46:CAMK2gQ1355538FGFR2P2180246
Kinase 47:CAMK2dQ1355738FGFR3P2260746
Kinase 48:CAMK2aQ9UQM738PDGFRAP1623446
Kinase 49:DRAK1 (STK17A)Q9UEE538RETP0794946
Kinase 50:CAMK2bQ1355438FGRP0976946