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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:SPATA1
Human P-Site:T331
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P6840082CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P68400348
Kinase 2:CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P1978482CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P19784345
Kinase 3:LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S00745ATRQ13535296
Kinase 4:IKKEQ1416438IKKEQ14164234
Kinase 5:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473334DNAPK/PRKDCP78527220
Kinase 6:IRAK1P5161726GPRK7Q8WTQ7212
Kinase 7:IRAK2O4318725PKG1 (PRKG1)Q13976212
Kinase 8:LCKP0623924BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P25098210
Kinase 9:KHS2 (MAP4K3)Q8IVH822GPRK6P43250210
Kinase 10:FGRP0976922ASK2 (MAP3K6)O95382209
Kinase 11:LKB1 (STK11)Q1583122ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q99683209
Kinase 12:DNAPK/PRKDCP7852720ANPb (NPR2)P20594206
Kinase 13:SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y619MAP3K15Q6ZN16206
Kinase 14:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598518BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P35626206
Kinase 15:NLKQ9UBE818IRAK1P51617206
Kinase 16:p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O1526416PLK3 (CNK)Q9H4B4205
Kinase 17:IRAK4 (LOC51135)Q9NWZ316ANPa (NPR1)P16066204
Kinase 18:OSR1O9574714TBK1Q9UHD2200
Kinase 19:BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509813LATS1O95835199
Kinase 20:STLK3 (SPAK)Q9UEW812GPRK4 (GPRK2L)P32298198
Kinase 21:DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285212LATS2 (KPM)Q9NRM7197
Kinase 22:IKKa (CHUK)O1511111GPRK5P34947197
Kinase 23:SYKP4340510LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S007196
Kinase 24:LZK (MAP3K13)O432839IRAK4 (LOC51135)Q9NWZ3196
Kinase 25:TBK1Q9UHD29DLK (MAP3K12)Q12852196
Kinase 26:TTBK2Q6IQ558IRAK2O43187195
Kinase 27:SRCP129318LZK (MAP3K13)O43283192
Kinase 28:KHS1 (MAP4K5)Q9Y4K47KHS2 (MAP4K3)Q8IVH8189
Kinase 29:TTBK1 (KIAA1855)Q5TCY17JNK1 (MAPK8)P45983189
Kinase 30:GPRK5P349476JNK3 (MAPK10)P53779189
Kinase 31:ATRQ135356Wnk3 (PRKWNK3)Q9BYP7189
Kinase 32:HIPK3Q9H4226VRK1Q99986189
Kinase 33:ANPa (NPR1)P160665IKKa (CHUK)O15111188
Kinase 34:GPRK6P432505Wnk2 (PRKWNK2)Q9Y3S1188
Kinase 35:BLKP514513RIPK3Q9Y572187
Kinase 36:BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P356262KHS1 (MAP4K5)Q9Y4K4186
Kinase 37:HCKP086312CAMK2bQ13554186
Kinase 38:TLK1Q9UKI82ULK2Q8IYT8186
Kinase 39:MELK (KIAA0175)Q146801VACAMKL (MGC8407)Q8NCB2185
Kinase 40:STLK5 (GK001)Q7RTN61CAMK2dQ13557185
Kinase 41:HIPK1 (BE180036)Q86Z021CAMK2aQ9UQM7185
Kinase 42:PKD2Q9BZL60p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O15264184
Kinase 43:FRKP426850CAMK2gQ13555184
Kinase 44:RIPK3Q9Y5720MEK7 (MAP2K7)O14733182
Kinase 45:ANPb (NPR2)P205940JNK2 (MAPK9)P45984182
Kinase 46:TGFBR2P371730LKB1 (STK11)Q15831182
Kinase 47:FYNP062410MEK5 (MAP2K5)Q13163182
Kinase 48:TESK1Q155690VRK3Q8IV63181
Kinase 49:ATMQ133150Wnk1 (PRKWNK1)Q9H4A3181
Kinase 50:ANKRD3 (RIPK4)P57078-1IKKb (IKBKINASE)O14920181