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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:ZNRF4
Human P-Site:T366
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:FAKQ05397101FAKQ0539765
Kinase 2:MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q0275098MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q0275063
Kinase 3:LZK (MAP3K13)O4328392LZK (MAP3K13)O4328359
Kinase 4:PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428991PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428958
Kinase 5:MET (HGF Receptor)P0858189MET (HGF Receptor)P0858157
Kinase 6:FYNP0624186FYNP0624155
Kinase 7:BRAFP1505683BRAFP1505653
Kinase 8:DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285281DLK (MAP3K12)Q1285252
Kinase 9:NEK10Q6ZWH581NEK10Q6ZWH552
Kinase 10:YES1P0794781YES1P0794752
Kinase 11:LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S00780LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S00751
Kinase 12:HIPK3Q9H42277HIPK3Q9H42249
Kinase 13:SYKP4340577SYKP4340549
Kinase 14:TNK1Q1347075TNK1Q1347048
Kinase 15:IRAK2O4318773IRAK2O4318747
Kinase 16:PFTAIRE2 (ALS2CR7)Q96Q4073PFTAIRE2 (ALS2CR7)Q96Q4047
Kinase 17:PEK (EIF2AK3)Q9NZJ573PEK (EIF2AK3)Q9NZJ547
Kinase 18:SRCP1293173SRCP1293147
Kinase 19:BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P3562673BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P3562647
Kinase 20:CDK10Q1513173CDK10Q1513147
Kinase 21:AXLP3053072AXLP3053046
Kinase 22:HIPK1 (BE180036)Q86Z0271HIPK1 (BE180036)Q86Z0246
Kinase 23:ACTR2A (ACVR2)P2703771ACTR2A (ACVR2)P2703746
Kinase 24:SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y671SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y645
Kinase 25:FGRP0976970FGRP0976945
Kinase 26:RAF1P0404970RAF1P0404945
Kinase 27:FRKP4268569FRKP4268544
Kinase 28:BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509868BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509844
Kinase 29:HIPK2Q9H2X667HIPK2Q9H2X643
Kinase 30:CDK1 (CDC2)P0649367CDK1 (CDC2)P0649343
Kinase 31:PRP4Q1352367PRP4Q1352343
Kinase 32:FGFR1P1136266FGFR1P1136242
Kinase 33:HCKP0863166HCKP0863142
Kinase 34:CTK (MATK)P4267965CTK (MATK)P4267942
Kinase 35:RONQ0491265RONQ0491241
Kinase 36:BRKQ1388264BRKQ1388241
Kinase 37:IRAK1P5161764IRAK1P5161741
Kinase 38:SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I964SgK495 (FLJ00113)Q8N2I941
Kinase 39:ARAFP1039862ARAFP1039840
Kinase 40:MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX862MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX840
Kinase 41:CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P6840062CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P6840039
Kinase 42:TESK1Q1556961TESK1Q1556939
Kinase 43:PINK1Q9BXM760PINK1Q9BXM739
Kinase 44:TGFBR2P3717360TGFBR2P3717338
Kinase 45:NLKQ9UBE860NLKQ9UBE838
Kinase 46:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473359MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473338
Kinase 47:CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P1978459CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P1978438
Kinase 48:PDGFRAP1623459PDGFRAP1623438
Kinase 49:KITP1072159KITP1072138
Kinase 50:CDKL5 (STK9)O7603959CDKL5 (STK9)O7603938