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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:GLYCTK
Human P-Site:T458
Intern. Prot. ID:
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q02750202MEK1 (MAP2K1)Q02750130
Kinase 2:MEK2 (MAP2K2)P36507168MEK2 (MAP2K2)P36507108
Kinase 3:LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S007102LRRK2 (BE177830)Q5S00765
Kinase 4:FGFR1P1136294FGFR1P1136260
Kinase 5:RETP0794993RETP0794960
Kinase 6:AXLP3053093AXLP3053060
Kinase 7:HCKP0863190HCKP0863158
Kinase 8:SRCP1293187SRCP1293156
Kinase 9:YES1P0794786YES1P0794755
Kinase 10:SYKP4340582SYKP4340553
Kinase 11:FYNP0624181FYNP0624152
Kinase 12:PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428981PYK2 (PTK2B)Q1428952
Kinase 13:BLKP5145180BLKP5145151
Kinase 14:FRKP4268579FRKP4268551
Kinase 15:FGFR2P2180277FGFR2P2180249
Kinase 16:FGFR3P2260777FGFR3P2260749
Kinase 17:BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509876BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509849
Kinase 18:TNK1Q1347075TNK1Q1347048
Kinase 19:EPHA10 (BI560547)Q5JZY373EPHA10 (BI560547)Q5JZY347
Kinase 20:SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y672SRM (SRMS)Q9H3Y646
Kinase 21:LKB1 (STK11)Q1583172LKB1 (STK11)Q1583146
Kinase 22:CTK (MATK)P4267972CTK (MATK)P4267946
Kinase 23:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473370MEK7 (MAP2K7)O1473345
Kinase 24:mTOR/FRAPP4234570mTOR/FRAPP4234545
Kinase 25:KITP1072168KITP1072144
Kinase 26:FGRP0976968FGRP0976944
Kinase 27:LYNP0794868LYNP0794844
Kinase 28:FGFR4P2245568FGFR4P2245543
Kinase 29:MET (HGF Receptor)P0858167MET (HGF Receptor)P0858143
Kinase 30:IRE2 (ERN2)Q76MJ566IRE2 (ERN2)Q76MJ542
Kinase 31:RONQ0491265RONQ0491242
Kinase 32:PDGFRAP1623464PDGFRAP1623441
Kinase 33:FAKQ0539763FAKQ0539740
Kinase 34:LCKP0623963LCKP0623940
Kinase 35:ABLP0051963ABLP0051940
Kinase 36:EPHB6O1519762EPHB6O1519740
Kinase 37:BRKQ1388262BRKQ1388240
Kinase 38:MER (MERTK)Q1286662MER (MERTK)Q1286640
Kinase 39:ARG (ABL2)P4268461ARG (ABL2)P4268439
Kinase 40:NEK10Q6ZWH560NEK10Q6ZWH538
Kinase 41:ERBB3P2186059ERBB3P2186038
Kinase 42:MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598559MEK4 (MAP2K4)P4598538
Kinase 43:ERBB2P0462658ERBB2P0462637
Kinase 44:RHOK (Grk1)Q1583558RHOK (Grk1)Q1583537
Kinase 45:ACK1Q0791258ACK1Q0791237
Kinase 46:HIPK2Q9H2X657HIPK2Q9H2X637
Kinase 47:CLK2P4976057CLK2P4976036
Kinase 48:SgK288Q8NFD257SgK288Q8NFD236
Kinase 49:RNASELQ0582354RNASELQ0582335
Kinase 50:TRKB (NTRK2)Q1662054TRKB (NTRK2)Q1662034