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Updated: 2017 Aug. 1

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Note - First set of Kinase Predictor V2 Scores are based on analysis of just the phosphosite independent of any other neighbouring phosphosites that might be recognized by the kinase shown. The maximum score possible is 1000. For the second set in the rightmost columns, the influence of the neighbouring phsophosites are also considered. These prediction scores are not scaled to a maximum of 1000.
Human Protein:FAM110B
Human P-Site:T8
Intern. Prot. ID:IPI00478176
Protein Kinase
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Human Kinase
Short Name
UniProt. ID
Kinase Predictor V2
Score - Proximity
Kinase 1:MEK7 (MAP2K7)O14733127JNK2 (MAPK9)P45984152
Kinase 2:IKKa (CHUK)O15111101JNK1 (MAPK8)P45983151
Kinase 3:JNK2 (MAPK9)P45984100JNK3 (MAPK10)P53779151
Kinase 4:LKB1 (STK11)Q1583198p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O15264128
Kinase 5:NEK8 (AI086865)Q86SG695CDK1 (CDC2)P06493125
Kinase 6:LYNP0794892PFTAIRE1 (PFTK1)O94921121
Kinase 7:JNK1 (MAPK8)P4598392MEK7 (MAP2K7)O14733111
Kinase 8:JNK3 (MAPK10)P5377992CDK3Q00526111
Kinase 9:IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492088NEK8 (AI086865)Q86SG6108
Kinase 10:BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509887p38a MAPK (MAPK14)Q16539108
Kinase 11:FGRP0976986LKB1 (STK11)Q15831107
Kinase 12:BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P3562682p38b MAPK (MAPK11)Q15759106
Kinase 13:NEK1Q96PY681PITSLRE (CDC2L1)Q9UQ88106
Kinase 14:CaMKK1 (DKFZP761M0423)Q8N5S981CDK2P24941105
Kinase 15:SRCP1293176NLKQ9UBE8105
Kinase 16:BRKQ1388276IKKa (CHUK)O15111104
Kinase 17:IRAK2O4318775ERK5 (MAPK7)Q13164102
Kinase 18:HCKP0863172p38g MAPK (MAPK12)P53778101
Kinase 19:NEK4 (STK2)P5195772CaMKK1 (DKFZP761M0423)Q8N5S9101
Kinase 20:BLKP5145172NEK1Q96PY6100
Kinase 21:HUNK (BRD4)P5705872CDKL5 (STK9)O76039100
Kinase 22:TTBK1 (KIAA1855)Q5TCY171PFTAIRE2 (ALS2CR7)Q96Q4098
Kinase 23:PKD1 (PRKCM)Q1513971ERK7 (BI916334)Q8TD0898
Kinase 24:p38d MAPK (MAPK13)O1526471SSTKQ9BXA696
Kinase 25:MLK1P8019270IKKb (IKBKINASE)O1492096
Kinase 26:TSSK3 (STK22C)Q96PN870IRAK4 (LOC51135)Q9NWZ396
Kinase 27:IRAK4 (LOC51135)Q9NWZ370ERK1P2736194
Kinase 28:ERBB3P2186069TSSK3 (STK22C)Q96PN893
Kinase 29:YES1P0794768NEK4 (STK2)P5195793
Kinase 30:FYNP0624166CDK5Q0053591
Kinase 31:PFTAIRE1 (PFTK1)O9492166HIPK1 (BE180036)Q86Z0291
Kinase 32:LTKP2937665IRAK2O4318790
Kinase 33:MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX865HUNK (BRD4)P5705888
Kinase 34:ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538263PKD1 (PRKCM)Q1513988
Kinase 35:PKD2Q9BZL663ERK2 (MAPK1)P2848286
Kinase 36:MEKK4 (MAP3K4)Q9Y6R462CAMKK2Q96RR486
Kinase 37:LCKP0623961MLK1P8019285
Kinase 38:MLK2 (MAP3K10)Q0277960HIPK3Q9H42285
Kinase 39:MELK (KIAA0175)Q1468060BARK1 (ADRBK1, GRK2)P2509885
Kinase 40:PITSLRE (CDC2L1)Q9UQ8860PCTAIRE2 (PCTK2)Q0053784
Kinase 41:EPHA1P2170959CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P6840084
Kinase 42:CTK (MATK)P4267959CDK7P5061383
Kinase 43:ROS1P0892258BARK2 (ADRBK2, GRK3)P3562683
Kinase 44:CDK1 (CDC2)P0649357PKD2Q9BZL683
Kinase 45:HIPK1 (BE180036)Q86Z0257CK2a2 (CSNK2A2)P1978483
Kinase 46:CK2a1 (CSNK2A1)P6840056MLK4 (DJ862P8.3)Q5TCX882
Kinase 47:ASK1 (MAP3K5)Q9968355TSSK4 (BF510751)Q6SA0882
Kinase 48:IGF1RP0806955ASK2 (MAP3K6)O9538282
Kinase 49:CAMKK2Q96RR454PCTAIRE3Q0700281
Kinase 50:PKD3 (PRKCN)O9480654MELK (KIAA0175)Q1468081